Work Experience

  • GRIN
    Principal Software Engineer/Back-end Architect
    - present

    Principal Engineer and Architect at social media SaaS company

    • Enabled engineering team to focus more on feature work by implementing unit testing framework
    • Contributed to end-to-end testing framework in Python
    • Improved platform stability through the addition of microservices in go
    • Held training sessions for development team
    • Interviewed prospective new hires
    • Expanded platform with multiple Vue components

    Laravel, PHP, go, microservices, PHPUnit, MySql, mongodb, Vue

  • BubbleUp
    Senior Web Developer

    Senior Developer for marketing firm with clients in multiple industries. Sites range from low traffic, to extremely high.

    Yii, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, AWS, Drupal, custom sites

  • Raven
    Project Manager/Tech Lead

    Lead for API project. Developed Laravel-based API for document management service.

    • Partner with CEO to develop technical vision
    • Articulate vision to stakeholders
    • Supervised team of five developers
    • Mentored and encouraged junior developers
    • Ran weekly Scrum meetings

    Laravel/Lumen, PHP, PHPUnit, MySQL, Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine, Google Cloud SQL, mongodb, redis, Google Datastore, Google Cloud Storage

  • Analyte Health
    Senior Full-Stack Developer

    Full-stack development for multiple websites in the health industry, including STDCheck, HealthLabs, UTI Treatment.

    • Spearheaded significant code refactor, leading to better code quality and maintainability
    • Developed secure applications, compliant with HIPAA regulations
    • Built frontend components in AngularJS and React

    PHP, PHPUnit, MySQL, Laravel, Eloquent, Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS, React

  • Trilogy Education in association with the University of Texas
    Bootcamp Instructor

    Taught Full-stack coding bootcamp. Six month program to introduce students to basics of full-stack MERN development and computer science principles.

    Eucation, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, APIs, AJAX, Node, Express, MySQL, sequelize, MongoDB, mongoose, PHP, Laravel, Python, React, React Native

  • Server Monkey
    Back-end web developer

    Develop Magento-based eCommerce site

    PHP, MySQL, Magento, XML, Javascript, jQuery

  • Hubbard RadioWTOP/Federal News Radio
    Back-end web developer

    Web developer (primarily focused on back-end) for two major news organizations.

    PHP, WordPress, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, MySQL, Memcache

    • WTOP StormDesk Closings
      • Wordpress plugin to display school, business, and government closings during inclement weather.
      • Includes login system for schools to close schools without newsroom involvement
      • Permission system to give users specific rights to modify individual closings, all closings, or administer the system
    • NewsQ
      • Designed MySQL database to store data about social ranking of stories on website.
      • Wrote application to fetch data from various social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc.) in order to rank stories according to popularity.
      • Created front-end resources to display data.
  • University of Texas – Mechanical Engineering Department

    PHP, XHTML, HTML Forms, Wordpress, CSS, Writing

    Maintained website, wrote news stories, and oversaw a number of projects to improve the website, including:

    • Senior Design Projects Database
      Designed MySQL database to hold information about past Senior Design Projects. Built from scratch front-end to search database and display information.
    • “Intranet” site
      Built Wordpress site to host department updates, and information specifically for faculty and staff. Created custom Wordpress theme to match theme of the main site.
    • About Section
      Created entire section of website for recruiting purposes. Did extensive research.
  • Selection of assorted freelance projects


University of Texas at Austin
August 2024 - May 2028
Bachelor of the Arts - Theater